"A quiet play set in the backwoods of Anywhere, USA, Autumn Elegy is an experience both unusual and worthwhile, deliberately slow but often rewarding, if you can give yourself over to it. Redick writes to reveal and heal." - Jon Jory, Actors Theater of Louisville/Humana Festival of New American Plays I would like to be able to export/import all of my ground markers at once rather than running all over the map exporting portion by portion. For my purposes, I have tile markers on my unlogged in account all over the game (Hallowed Speulchre, Olm, blood runes, barbarian assault, etc.). "One of the most affecting works in the History of the Humana Festival." - Louisville Courier Thank you for the confirmation - makes sense. The playwright's patience and diligence paid off handsomely, the audience wept openly and applauded warmly." - Saint Petersburg Times There are no sufficient words to describe the final bittersweet moments of this drama about a married couple who face the end of their life together.
A play full of potential and a production that found a great deal of it." - Dayton Daily News Requires confidence in the audience's patience. The ring of truth, the straightforwardness of life and death. The staying power of simplicity went straight to the heart. "Writing of disarming purity and chasteness. "The other play of promise Charlene Redick's slight but touching Autumn Elegy depicts a man long withdrawn from the world and his protective wife, now fatally ill." - TIME Filled with pauses, Autumn Elegy has moments of poignancy." - The New York Times Redick's Autumn Elegy is a quiet, understated play about an elderly, reclusive country couple facing the imminent death of the wife.
No one could fail to be moved." - Detroit Free Press "Writing of uncommon tenderness and grace Redick is a beautiful writer content with very little dialogue choosing instead silences. "At what point can a relationship no longer change? With lyrical emotional ferocity, Autumn Elegy explores the outer boundaries of human intimacy and leave-taking." - Playbill She is a theatrical poet of the intimate act." - Michael Montel, Tisch School of the Arts " A writer of great depth of feeling and clarity of expression.

" Sensommer (Autumn Elegy) at Det Danske Teater is a difficult text and the idling may keep many away, but ultimately they will cheat themselves." - Ekstra Bladet Theatre doesn't do that very often, and when it does, it's as real and revitalizing as an embrace." - The Oregonian It engulfs the theater: a feeling sad and despairing and whole and cleansing and warm. Laswell slumps weeping and March softly folds him in her arms. The heartbreak in Autumn Elegy is quiet, and in an odd way comforting. Like the potter tired of the same old symmetrical curves, Redick has given Autumn Elegy a perversely idiosyncratic shape.

"Who needs to do it right, when you do it well? In Autumn Elegy, her quietly tender drama of love and old age, Charlene Redick makes the rules of good playwrighting seem utterly irrelevant. Marshall appeared in Autumn Elegy." - WTF's 50 Years: A Personal Recollection "The Other Stage season ended with another powerhouse duet when Ruth Nelson and E.G. "A wistful, thought-provoking tale." - New Albany Tribune